209 research outputs found

    Learning-based Analysis on the Exploitability of Security Vulnerabilities

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    The purpose of this thesis is to develop a tool that uses machine learning techniques to make predictions about whether or not a given vulnerability will be exploited. Such a tool could help organizations such as electric utilities to prioritize their security patching operations. Three different models, based on a deep neural network, a random forest, and a support vector machine respectively, are designed and implemented. Training data for these models is compiled from a variety of sources, including the National Vulnerability Database published by NIST and the Exploit Database published by Offensive Security. Extensive experiments are conducted, including testing the accuracy of each model, dynamically training the models on a rolling window of training data, and filtering the training data by various features. Of the chosen models, the deep neural network and the support vector machine show the highest accuracy (approximately 94% and 93%, respectively), and could be developed by future researchers into an effective tool for vulnerability analysis

    Covering Numbers of the Cubes

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    How many triangles does it take to make a square? The answer is simple: two. This problem has a direct analogue in dimensions three and higher, but the answers are much harder to find. We provide new lower bounds in dimensions 4 through 13, an asymptotic lower bound which is inferior to the best known bound in high dimensions, and some new ideas which produce good upper bounds in both low and high dimensions

    Lower Bounds for Simplicial Covers and Triangulations of Cubes

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    We show that the size of a minimal simplicial cover of a polytope P is a lower bound for the size of a minimal triangulation of P, including ones with extra vertices. We then use this fact to study minimal triangulations of cubes, and we improve lower bounds for covers and triangulations in dimensions 4 through at least 12 (and possibly more dimensions as well). Important ingredients are an analysis of the number of exterior faces that a simplex in the cube can have of a specified dimension and volume, and a characterization of corner simplices in terms of their exterior faces

    Vibrotactile Stimuli Parameters on Detection Reaction Times

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Signaling system designers are leveraging the tactile modality to create alarms, alerts, and warnings. The purpose of this research was to map detection reaction times (RT) toward tactile stimuli with various parameter manipulations. We employed a 3 (wave form) × 3 (inter-pulse interval) × 3 (envelope) within subjects design. The dependent measure was detection RT. Twenty participants (15 female) responded to 270 tactile stimuli. ANOVAs indicated three two-way interactions. Generally, shorter inter-pulse intervals led to quicker RT and the fade-in envelope led to longer RT, when compared to envelopes starting at the maximum amplitude. Square and sinusoidal waves tended to prompt quicker RT than the noise wave. The strength of these relationships, however, depended upon the presence of the other parameters. Designers can use the results of this study to effectively and appropriately assign tactile parameter manipulations to signals that require varied levels of response urgencies

    Investigating the Impact of Perturbed Visual and Proprioceptive information in Near-Field Immersive Virtual Environment

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    We report the results of an empirical evaluation to examine the carryover effects of calibrations to one of three perturbations of visual and proprioceptive feedback: i) Minus condition (-20% gain) in which a visual stylus appeared at 80% of the distance of a physical stylus, ii) Neutral condition (0% gain) in which a visual stylus was co-located with a physical stylus, and iii) Plus condition (+20% gain) in which the visual stylus appeared at 120% of the distance of the physical stylus. Feedback was shown to calibrate distance judgments quickly within an IVE, with estimates being farthest after calibrating to visual information appearing nearer (Minus condition), and nearest after calibrating to visual information appearing further (Plus condition)

    A brown wave of riparian woodland mortality following groundwater declines during the 2012-2019 California drought

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    As droughts become more frequent and more severe under anthropogenic climate change, water stress due to diminished subsurface supplies may threaten the health and function of semi-arid riparian woodlands, which are assumed to be largely groundwater dependent. To better support the management of riparian woodlands under changing climatic conditions, it is essential to understand the sensitivity of riparian woodlands to depth to groundwater (DTG) across space and time. In this study, we examined six stands of riparian woodland along 28 km of the Santa Clara River in southern California. Combining remote sensing data of fractional land cover, based on spectral mixture analysis, with historical groundwater data, we assessed changes in riparian woodland health in response to DTG during the unprecedented 2012–2019 California drought. We observed a coherent 'brown wave' of tree mortality, characterized by decreases in healthy vegetation cover and increases in dead/woody vegetation cover, which progressed downstream through the Santa Clara River corridor between 2012 and 2016. We also found consistent, significant relationships between DTG and healthy vegetation cover, and separately between DTG and dead/woody vegetation cover, indicating that woodland health deteriorated in a predictable fashion as the water table declined at different sites and different times. Based on these findings, we conclude that the brown wave of vegetation dieback was likely caused by local changes in DTG associated with the propagation of precipitation deficits into a depleted shallow alluvial aquifer. These factors suggest that semi-arid riparian woodlands are strongly dependent on shallow groundwater availability, which is in turn sensitive to climate forcing

    Identification and biosynthesis of acylphloroglucinols in Hypericum gentianoides

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    Species of the genus Hypericum contain a rich array of unusual polyketides, however, only a small proportion of the over 450 Hypericum species, other than the popular medicinal supplement St. John’s Wort (H. perforatum), have even been chemically characterized. H. gentianoides, a small annual used medicinally by Cherokee Americans, contains bioactive acylphloroglucinols. Here, we identify acylphloroglucinol constituents of H. gentianoides and determine a potential pathway to their synthesis. Liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (LC/ESIMS) and HPLC-UV indicate that the level of accumulation and profile of acylphloroglucinols in H. gentianoides vary little seasonally when grown in a greenhouse, but do vary with development and are highly dependent on the accession, highlighting the importance of the selection of plant material for study. We identify the chemical structures of the nine prevalent polyketides, based on LC/ESI-MS and hybrid quadrupole orthogonal time-of-flight mass (Q-TOF) spectrometry; these metabolites include one monomeric phlorisobutyrophenone (PIB) derivative and eight dimeric acylphloroglucinols. Q-TOF spectrometry was used to identify eight additional PIB derivatives that were not detected by LC/ESI-MS. These data lead us to propose that diacylphloroglucinols are synthesized via modification of PIB to yield diverse phloroglucinol and filicinic acids moieties, followed by dimerization of a phloroglucinol and a filicinic acid monomer to yield the observed complement of diacylphloroglucinols. The metabolomics data from H. gentianoides are accessible in PMR (http://www.metnetdb.org/pmr), a public metabolomics database with analysis software for plants and microbial organisms
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